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Simple Stay Beppu
We have collected the experiences that we recommend in Beppu. "Beppu downhill cycling" where you can experience all of the mountains, the sea and hot springs, and the traditional Beppu bamboo craft experience. Currently, it is small, but we plan to increase it steadily.
私たちがお勧めする「別府ならではの体験」を集めました。山・海・温泉のすべてを体験できる「別府ダウンヒルサイクリング」、別府の伝統的な竹工芸体験など。 今は少ないですが、どんどん増やしていくつもりです。
우리가 추천하는 「벳푸를 즐기는 체험」을 끌었다. 산 · 바다 · 온천의 모든 것을 체험 할 수있는 「벳푸 다운 힐 자전거 '벳푸의 전통적인 대나무 공예 체험 등. 지금은 적지 만 점점 늘려 나갈 생각입니다.
Downhill Cycling500m Downhill from Mountain to coast | Bamboo Craft ExperienceSynergies Traditional Japanese Craft Workshop | Guide ServiceTomodachi (=Friend) Guide |
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